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57870 Results Found

Physician leader to retire from AHA in October

John Combes, M.D., AHA’s chief medical officer and senior vice president and president of its Center for Healthcare Governance, will retire in October after almost 12 years leading the associ

New facility provides Chicago community with health care close to home

The one-stop-shop ambulatory care center will help to alleviate overcrowding in St. Bernard Hospital's emergency department

FEMA: National preparedness continues to improve, but challenges remain

The nation continued to strengthen its preparedness in 2015, but some challenges persist and new ones have emerged, according to the

FDA simplifies form for physicians requesting patient access to investigational drugs

The Food and Drug Administration yesterday issued a streamlined form for physicians to request expanded access to investigational drugs

DOL awards states/territories $10.4 million for apprenticeship programs

The Department of Labor yesterday awarded $200,000 each to 52 states and territories to expand and expedit

GAO announces MedPAC appointments

The Government Accountability Office yesterday appointed five

AHA survey: 6 in 10 RAC-reviewed claims did not have an overpayment

Hospitals participating in the AHA’s first-quarter 2016 RACTrac survey

Hospitals add 16,500 jobs in May

Employment at the nation's hospitals rose by 0.33% in May to a seasonally adjusted 5,077,700 people, the Bureau of Labor Statistics

E. coli gene that can spread antibiotic resistance discovered in U.S. patient

Also this week: 2018 building code development underway, and organization starts infectious disease safety training program

AHA urges FDA to expand proposed study of consumer drug advertising

The AHA today urged the Food and Drug Administration to expand its proposed study of direct-to-consumer prescription drug advertising to include televised and internet advertising and to test the i