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57870 Results Found

Sustainability beyond ROI

Hospital facilities managers push to improve care environment through product choices

Health care furniture gets technology boost

New products reach beyond comfort and usability to provide value in patient monitoring

Medical devices keep off-site patients connected

Internet of Things allows patients to use wearable devices and other technology that helps them stay on track

CMS amends Stage 3 health information exchange measure for hospitals

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today issued a notice correcting a

Traditional exam rooms not conducive to modern care: study

Steelcase Health observed five ways exam rooms disrupt partnership between patients and physicians

Rehabilitation hospital opens state-of-the-art medical-surgical unit

Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare's addition will accommodate an additional 2,300 patients annually

E coli gene that can spread antibiotic resistance discovered in U.S. patient

The Department of Defense’s Multidrug-resistant Organism Repository and Surveillance Network has identified the first bacteria in the U.S.

Survey: 15.5 million fewer adults uninsured than in 2013

An estimated 15.5 million fewer U.S.

ASPR webinar July 14 on planning/coordinating medical services for mass gatherings

The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response will host a July 14 webinar on the role of health care coalitions in planning for and coordinating health and medical services du