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AHA RACTrac data collection period opens today

The AHA encourages all hospitals to submit data to the quarterly RACTrac survey, available today through April 17.

Embrace change and seize the opportunities, says Brian Gragnolati

The Class of 2017 profiles the women and men who joined the AHA board this year.

Support National Donate Life Month by giving hope to those who are still waiting

By Jonathan Perlin, M.D. April is National Donate Life Month, when we encourage everyone to consider registering as organ, eye and tissue donors.

SCOTUS limits federal court challenges to state compliance with Medicaid Act

In a 5-4 ruling today, the Supreme Court held that parties cannot challenge directly in federal court a

Reminder: IPPS hospitals can apply through April 1 for EHR hardship exception

Hospitals paid under the Medicare inpatient prospective payment system can

Report: Overall cancer rate, mortality continue to decline

Overall cancer incidence, or new cancer cases, decreased 0.5% per year between 2002 and 2011, according to the latest

HHS contracts to develop new Ebola drug

The Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response today

Project L.E.A.N isn't just about getting youngsters good exercise in the morning

Every day, more than 750 elementary school students in Norwalk, Conn., arrive at school early for 45 minutes of jumping jacks, lunges, sprinting in the halls and other exercises and physical activi

National Healthcare Safety Network launches hospital TAP reports

The National Healthcare Safety Network now offers reports that can help hospitals target their infection prevention efforts, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced today.

AHA survey: Hospitals appealing nearly half of RAC claim denials

Hospitals continue to appeal Recovery Audit Contractor claim denials, according to the latest report from the AHA's quarterly RACTrac