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52258 Results Found

NIH Ebola patient's condition improved

The American health care worker being treated for Ebola virus disease at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center in Bethesda, MD, has improved from critical to serious condition, NIH

Senate delays action on SGR replacement bill

The Senate adjourned early this morning for a two-week recess after concluding work on its fiscal year 2016 budget resolution, without voting on H.R.

Hospital groups voice support for H.R. 2

Nine national hospital organizations, including the AHA, today expressed support for bipartisan legislation to permanently replace the Medicare physician sustainable growth rate formula.

Report: Premature deaths declining in many counties

Premature deaths declined in 60% of the nation’s counties between 2004-2006 and 2010-2012, according to county health rankings

Spring edition of Great Boards newsletter available

The spring 2015 issue of AHA’s Great Boards newsletter is now available an

House SGR bill filed; AHA voices support

The AHA today voiced support for H.R.

AHA urges Congress to maintain support for 340B program

Congress should preserve the 340B Drug Pricing Program because it helps hospitals and other eligible entities improve access to comprehensive health care services for more patients, especially low-

Veterans Choice Program to use driving distance for mileage criterion

The Veterans Choice Program will use driving distance to determine the distance between a veteran’s residence and the nearest VA medical facility, the Department of Veterans Affairs

ISMP alerts providers to drug mix-up danger due to packaging

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices is alerting hospitals, ambulatory surgical centers