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57836 Results Found

Bringing Population Health to Life: Strategies for Marketing (and Health Improvement) Success

Presentation Resource
A panel of experts from around the country will share their experiences and best practices in operationalizing population for their health care systems. Attendees will also receive a model for population health planning—a practical guide that can be implemented immediately in any type of organization.

AHE Voices, Summer 2014

Magazine & Journal Articles
EXPLORE spoke with Brian Tallmadge, CHESP, assistant chief, Environmental Management Services, at Ralph H. Johnson VA Medical Center in Charleston, S.C., about the latest technologies available for EVS professionals.

The New Health Care Content: Where Earned Media and Social Media Intersect

Magazine & Journal Articles
More than ever before, health care communicators need to have a content strategy that directly contributes to bottom line business results. Orlando Health is doing just that and reaping the benefits of increased exposure by positioning itself as a trusted health care system with compassion.

AHE Voices, Spring 2014

Magazine & Journal Articles
EXPLORE spoke with Rock Jensen and Greg May, CHESP, about health care reform and its impact on the EVS professional, including expanded service levels, volumes, the impact on today's hospitals and how this will directly affect EVS departments.

Life After Relaunch: Renewing Your Website Strategy for Digital Customer Engagement

Presentation Resource
Learn how Northwestern Medicine has structured their processes, technology, and staff to create ongoing operational capabilities for sustainable post-launch success.

AHE Symposium 2021: A Message from the AHE Executive Director

An update to the AHE 2021 Symposium from Patti Costello.

Bringing Financial Wellness into the Conversation

Presentation Resource
Learn how Metro Health was challenged by its board of directors to demonstrate commitment to both the financial and physical well-being of patients.

AHE Sustainability Certificate Program Review Process

A program overview of the AHE sustainability certificate program.

Customizing the Health Care Experience for Seniors

Magazine & Journal Articles
This article details how the aging of the baby boomers will have a dramatic impact on the country.

Bridging Worlds as a Model for Building and Advancing Integrated Strategy Teams

Presentation Resource
How can the attributes and skills highlighted in Bridging Worlds be applied to take your team to the next level? This session will allow participants to explore these concepts through real-world case studies, gaining practical knowledge to apply within their own organizations.