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57829 Results Found

Study: Nurse managers significantly affect retention

Nurse managers who have consistent, purposeful interactions with team members ─ such as check-ins and recognition ─ have statistically significant lower RN turnover, an AONL and Laudio Insights report found.

AONL Announces Award Honorees

AONL this week announced Children’s Health, Dallas, will receive the AONL Prism Award for advancing diversity efforts.

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on Rural Hospitals

The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural hospital financial performance.

Primary Care Value-based Payment Models

This can be through migration to Accountable Care O

Navigating Value-based Payment

In the 14 years since passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and 9 years since the passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA), there have been numerous programs developed by Medicare, states and commercial payers to support the movement to outcomes or value-based reimbursement.

Capitated and Global Budget Models

At the upstream end of the value-based payment spectrum, organizations can assume full risk for a population through capitated payments, global budgets, and provider led insurance plans.

Furnishings designed for the intricacies of health care

Health care furniture designers are keeping durability, cleanability and adaptability front of mind when creating new solutions

CMS Issues Final Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2025

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) April 2 released its standards for qualified health plans (QHPs) offered through the health insurance marketplaces for 2025. Beginning in plan year 2025.

Current and Emerging Payment Models

Health care is currently in the middle of a transition from a system of payment based on the volume of services provided (fee-for-service) to payment based on the value of those services (value-based care and alternative payment models).