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57829 Results Found

With Congressional Action Limited, Administration Releases Flurry of Health Care Regulations

During the last two weeks we have seen a flurry of regulatory activity affecting hospitals and health care providers, and we expect that trend to continue for the next several months.

Distribution of National Health Expenditures by Source of Payment, 1980, 2000, and 2014

Trendwatch Chartbook 2016 Trends Affecting Hospitals and Health Systems - Trends in the Overall Health Care Market. Chart 1.13: Distribution of National Health Expenditures by Source of Payment, 1980, 2000, and 2014.

Chart 1.2: Percent Change in Total National Health Expenditures, 1994 – 2014

Trendwatch Chartbook 2016 Trends Affecting Hospitals and Health Systems - Trends in the Overall Health Care Market. Chart 1.2: Percent Change in Total National Health Expenditures, 1994 – 2014.

Per Capita National Health Expenditures, 1980 – 2014

Trendwatch Chartbook 2016. Trends Affecting Hospitals and Health Systems Chart 1.3.

Connecting the Dots Along the Care Continuum

This paper is designed to continue the conversation around the concepts discussed in AHA's "Hospitals and Care Systems of the Future", and the AHA Workforce Center's "Workforce Roles in a Redesigned Primary Care Model" and "Reconfiguring the Bedside Care Team of the Future" and explore them in greater depth.

Surgical smoke codes and safety issues

The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses clears the air on health risks to clinical professionals in the operating room

Staff retention initiative reduces turnover

A staff retention quality-improvement initiative resulted in an 82% decrease in the number of RNs who left their jobs on a neuroscience unit at Hartford (Conn.) Hospital, during their first year of employment.

CNO: Develop relationships with staff to reduce burnout

Nursing leaders should develop personal relationships with staff and have thoughtful conversations with them to better identify when they may be experiencing burnout, according to AONL member Jennifer Croland, DNP, RN.

Study calls for annual COVID-19 vaccine

Children younger than two years and adults aged 50 years and older who received a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine five months after getting the first vaccine were less likely to be hospitalized or die, according to a study.

AONL to honor children’s hospital, nursing leaders for contributions to field

The AHA’s American Organization for Nursing Leadership will present 2024 awards for exemplary leadership practices during its annual conference April 9 in New Orleans.