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57817 Results Found

Engaging Your Community in Your Digital Strategy: It’s All About Human-Centered Design

An optimal digital strategy is no longer a “nice to have” — it is central to future positioning, especially since 50% of consumers say that a bad digital experience can ruin the entire experience with a provider. 

New Strategic Realities in a Post-COVID World: Highlights from 2023 Futurescan Health Care Trends and Implications

Keeping you at the forefront of health care transformation and rebuilding means looking around the curve to what’s ahead. In Futurescan 2023, experts in the field explore key trends that will transform health care over the next five years. Join renowned futurist Ian Morrison, Ph.D., for a webinar on the latest edition of SHSMD's annual guide.

Health care's role in environmental and health equity

Improved sustainability and efficiency have significant and wide-spread impacts far beyond a hospital’s walls

Opportunities for hospital sustainability

Three areas where health care designers can help to improve sustainable operations

Hospitals can play a key role in decarbonization discussions

Hospitals can make sure their voices are heard as regulations around carbon reduction gain steam

Health care’s important influence on environmental equity issues

Examining climate change as a public health issue

Reaching the next level of decarbonization

Developing an environmental master plan can help hospitals reach beyond the low-hanging fruit to reduce carbon footprint

Helping to lead a global sustainability movement

Kara Brooks of ASHE discusses the trends and new regulations prompting change in health care sustainability