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Policy on Board Composition and Recruitment

Board Policies
Governance responsibilities today are so significant that board members must bring more than commitment to the mission and interest in serving. As William Bowen writes, every trustee should bring a “specific competence or experience needed on the board.” This sample provides a board policy statement on competency-based recruitment, election and re-election of board members. Use it to customize a process for your board.

Physician Leader Amy Ahasic, M.D., Shares Lessons from Women’s Leadership Program

n this AHA Physician Alliance podcast, Amy Ahasic, M.D., section chief for pulmonary and critical care medicine at Norwalk Hospital in Connecticut, shares how she applied skills learned from the Women’s Wellness through Equity and Leadership Project to the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Physician Leader Janine Adjo, M.D., Shares Lessons from Women’s Leadership Program

In this AHA Physician Alliance podcast, Janine Adjo, M.D., chair and director of the pediatric residency program at SBH Health System Bronx, shares how she applied during COVID-19 skills learned fr

New Approaches to Effective Board Decision Making: Webinar Recording

On-Demand Educational Webinars
Webinar: The first thing any effective board or leadership group does is decide how it will make decisions. Further, effective boards develop different, clearly defined processes to make decisions of different magnitudes. Yet, many boards have never had an explicit conversation about or developed multiple approaches to this most critical of governance functions — their decision making. This webinar will outline several different, practical and effective decision making techniques to expand your board’s tool kit of processes and techniques for making effective decisions.

Members in Action: Maternal Health Case Studies

The AHA has created an Action Plan that describes four steps to help meet the goal of eliminating maternal mortality and reducing severe morbidity. This Action Plan incorporates feedback from hundreds of hospital and clinical leaders who serve on AHA’s councils, committees and regional policy boards. The member case studies below highlight how our member hospitals and health systems have worked to implement these actions.

Members in Action: Community Health Worker Case Studies

Community Health Worker Case StudiesWest Baltimore Primary Care Access

Market Trends in Bundled Payments Part 1 Webinar Recording

The AHA Center for Health Innovation, in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE), hosted a two-part introductory webinar series on bundled payments in the fall of 2018 called “Bundled Payments: Learning in Action Series.”

AHA 340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin - July 2, 2024

A Mississippi judge yesterday denied Novartis Pharmaceuticals’ and PhRMA’s request for a preliminary injunction against enforcement of state law protecting 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements.

340B Advocacy Alliance Bulletin - June 27, 2024

The AHA, 340B Health, the Maryland Hospital Association and the Mid-Atlantic Association of Community Health Centers yesterday filed an amicus brief in a federal district court in Maryland, defending the state's law protecting 340B pricing for contract pharmacy arrangements.

H-ISAC TLP Green Daily Physical Security Report - July 2, 2024

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