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58215 Results Found

Consumerism in Health Care: The Next Chapter

Webinar Recordings
This presentation will describe the fundamental elements of financial experience that every hospital and health system should master. With a solid foundation, hospitals can prepare to meet rising consumer expectations in a digital/mobile age.

Sphere of Influence: Achieving the Health Care Triple Aim Through Physician Referral Patterns

Webinar Recordings
With mounting operational pressures to improve the health of patient populations and survive in value-based care models, health systems need critical data intelligence about the sector’s influencers to more thoroughly understand physician referral networks and achieve their organizational objectives.

Transforming Marketing via a Growth Strategy for a Competitive Market Recording

Webinar Recordings
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Transforming Marketing via a Growth Strategy for a Competitive Market

Webinar Recordings
Join and hear discussion of how to involve your CMO and CFO in the process as your ambassadors. Come away with a concrete example of how to make the marketing and communications department indispensable to your organization.

Beyond Recruiting: How to Onboard and Retain Your Best Physicians

Webinar Recordings
Share best practices that have helped to recruit, onboard, and retain top providers to hundreds of hospitals across the nation. Explore how others are using strategy, data, and technology to hardwire the recruitment process, accelerate practice ramp-up, and achieve long-term retention.

The Future Role of Health Care Strategy

Webinar Recordings
This webcast will outline key concepts in SHSMD’s newly updated Bridging Worlds report, featuring fresh perspectives on the future role of the health care strategist. Through stories and case examples, strategic implications and opportunities for health care strategists will be illustrated, and key skills and attributes required for success will be shared.