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AHA Letter of Support for the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act of 2024

The AHA voices support of the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act of 2024 (S. 3565).

AHA Member Advisory on Upcoming Release of Hospital Price Transparency Study

AHA expects the release of a new price transparency report next week. See AHA resources to prepare your organization’s response to the study findings.

AHA Leadership Experience

Increasing demands on physician and administrative leaders have created an epidemic of burnout.

The Disruptors Are Getting Disrupted — 5 Takeaways

Walmart’s announcement last week that it will close its 51 health centers in five states and exit virtual care services stunned many observers.

How to Leverage AI Responsibly to Reinvent Health Care

Leaders from Accenture, Atlantic Health System, Jefferson Health and Magnolia Regional Health Center, a rural organization in Mississippi, will analyze how to address the current AI landscape and move beyond the hype in a new Leadership Scan episode from the AHA Center for Health Innovation.

Hospital Insurance Trust Fund solvent five additional years until 2036, Medicare trustees project

The Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will have sufficient funds to pay full benefits until 2036, according to the latest annual report by the Medicare Board of Trustees.

Physical & Behavioral Health Integration Resources

The resources in this section offer examples of how hospitals and health systems successfully integrate behavioral health into their existing care, as well as research and thought leadership on the impacts of integration.

CMS opens comment period for Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services May 3 announced the opening of the comment period for the Inflation Reduction Act’s Medicare Drug Price Negotiation Program, which will negotiate prices with drug makers for certain high-cost, sole-source drugs and apply them beginning in 2026. Comments are due July 2.

AHA urges need for flexibility in regulation of AI in health care

AHA May 6 responded to a request for information about the current state of artificial intelligence in health care from Rep. Ami Bera, M.D., D-Calif., urging that any regulation of the technology needs to be flexible to keep pace with innovation and allow caregivers to apply it for patient benefit.

How to Build Trust with Hospital Buyers

Discover how to position yourself as a key partner to hospital decision-makers