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Voice of the President | September 2022

This edition of Voice is dedicated to professional development, covering a wide range of career stages, from advice for first-time managers to preparing for the C-suite.

TeamSTEPPS Refresher (Virtual) | Team Training | Center

This 4-week virtual workshop will cover fundamental TeamSTEPPS tools, reengage your “why”, and provide innovative ideas for teaching and implementing the TeamSTEPPS 3.0 tools. Whether you have recently completed your training or you are a TeamSTEPPS veteran, you will walk away with renewed confidence in your ability to both use and share TeamSTEPPS tools and principles in fresh ways.

TeamSTEPPS Master Training (Houston) | Team Training | Center

AHA Team Training's in-person TeamSTEPPS Master Training course will teach participants all the TeamSTEPPS tools and principles - what they are, how to use them, and how to implement them. This 2-day in-person course is led by an interprofessional faculty team with a "train-the-trainer" orientation utilizing games, scenarios and activities.

Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference Justification Toolkit

Use the Health Care Facilities Innovation Conference justification toolkit as a resource to convey the value of this conference to your boss.

HHS announces national strategy to improve maternal mental health care

The Department of Health and Human Services May 14 announced a national strategy to address maternal mental health and substance use issues.

Obituary: Former Iowa hospital CEO Jim Tinker 

Jim Tinker, 81, former president and CEO of Mercy Medical Center in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, died April 21. Tinker served in this role from 1982 to 2006.

Knock Out the Noise on Artificial Intelligence

The global state of artificial intelligence (AI) in health care is moving toward systemic reinvention, not just innovation. At the same time, health care finds itself in an unprecedented moment of strain. Enterprises are excited to experiment and transform, but they face serious risk of taking action without discipline or focus on measurable value. Join us as we take a deep dive on these topics with our panel of executive, clinical and administrative leaders who will talk about best practices, challenges and how we can usher in the future of health care together.

HHS to award grants for AI, behavioral health projects

The Department of Health and Human Services May 13 announced it will issue two $1 million grants for fiscal year 2024 to fund projects focusing on artificial intelligence in health care and the use of information technology in behavioral health.

2020 AONL Young Professional Voices Cohort

This group of nurse leaders exhibit significant potential as a health care leader and demonstrates exemplary leadership within their organization.