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57806 Results Found


Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling with Roxie Wells, M.D.

In this conversation, Roxie Wells, M.D., senior vice president chief physician executive and strategy officer with Novant Health Coastal Market, discusses her long journey to and through the health care C-suite, and the importance of mentoring young women leaders through the glass ceiling and beyond

Integrating Age-Friendly Care in an Emergency Department With Sharp Grossmont

In this conversation, Julie Dye, clinical nurse specialist in geriatrics at Sharp Grossmont Hospital, discusses the benefits of participating in the Geriatric Emergency Department Accreditation program and the Age-Friendly Health Systems initiative.

Leadership Dialogue Series: Driving Community Health Improvement With SBH Health System

For hospitals and health systems of every size and location, it’s critically important to adapt to the needs of their communities.

Overview of Proposed IPPS Rule (FY) 2025

This webinar will provide an overview of the released CMS proposed rule for the fiscal year (FY) 2025 Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS).

The Growing Role of Chief Wellness Officers in Health Care

Chief Wellness Officers are an essential part of a health care worker's mental and physical support structure, providing opportunities and resources whenever needed.

The Effects of Medicare Advantage on Rural Hospitals With St. Bernards Healthcare

Half of all Medicare beneficiaries get their benefits through Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, which are offered by private companies and in theory should provide the same level of coverage of traditional Medicare.

ASHE Academy for Health Care Facility, Construction, and Design Professionals

ASHE Academy is your one stop shop for earning your CECs through a personalized learning experience. Join us this spring for in depth sessions and workshops in health care facilities management.

Health Care Transformation Begins With Its People

In today's health care field, leaders must address a multitude of complex and intertwined challenges. One of the most important is supporting the well-being of their clinicians.

AHRMM and AHE Education 2024 Webinar | Greening the Supply Chain Starts with Energy

Join us for this joint AHRMM and AHE session on how healthcare supply chain professionals can leverage ENERGY STAR tools and resources to help inform sustainable purchasing decisions, generate financial savings, and achieve organizational sustainability goals.

Chair File: Celebrating Hospitals for Providing Healing, Health and Hope

This week is National Hospital Week. It’s a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate health care professionals working at the more than 6,000 hospitals, health systems and health networks across the United States.