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Three steps to becoming a more sustainable facility

Optimizing hospital energy, water and waste management operations

ASHRM Publications Bookstore

Explore ASHRM's comprehensive publications on risk management. Stay updated with the latest tools and procedures to reduce risk in health care. Preview textbooks and playbooks.

HSR Editorial Board

2024 Editorial Bo

Caregivers Need Care Too

In this conversation, Diane Mariani, program manager at Rush University Medical Center, discusses their Caring for Caregivers program, which shares resources and guidance to family and friends who care for older adults, while helping them better manage their own health and wellness.

AHA responds to CMS request for information on Medicare Advantage data

The AHA May 29 submitted a letter to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services responding to a request for information regarding Medicare Advantage data, urging CMS to increase oversight of the program.

AHA podcast: Caregivers Need Care, Too 

Diane Mariani, program manager at Rush University Medical Center, discusses their Caring for Caregivers program, which shares resources and guidance to family and friends who care for older adults.

Digital Marketing Strategy in Health Care

The course will cover the following four topic modules, which include webinars, case examples, discussion board assignments, and access to a library of additional resources (conference session recordings, templates, white papers, articles, etc.). Complete all course requirements and earn a SHSMD Credential in Health Care Digital Marketing Strategy, which can be shared as a digital badge on social media.

AHA blog highlights stories of motherhood shared in Beyond Birth podcast series 

The award-winning Beyond Birth podcast series helps bring hospital programs to life by telling personal stories of how they positively impact mothers and their families, writes Julia Resnick, AHA’s director of strategic initiatives.
Member Non-Fed

Contact your Representative Prior to June 4 House Subcommittee Hearing on 340B

The House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations (O&I) June 4 will host a hearing titled, “Oversight of 340B Drug Pricing Program.” Please contact your Energy and Commerce member before the June 4 hearing and share with them the importance of the 340B program and how it helps your hospital care for the patients and communities you serve.

SHSMD Connections 2024

The most timely and reliable health care strategy and market development programming happens at SHSMD's Connections Conference.