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Get Strategic with Workforce Analytics

HR Pulse Article
[HR PULSE ARTICLE] Data can be empowering, overwhelming, eye-opening or misleading — or all of the above. But as human resources professionals take on more strategic responsibility within their organizations, the ability to examine and analyze a broad range of data to drive workforce decision-making and action plan development is becoming increasingly critical.

A Guide to Hiring Heroes: Helping Veterans Find Their Place

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] An estimated one million service members are expected to enter the civilian workforce in the coming years. The U.S. Military spends billions each year training these men and women, developing competent and highly motivated leaders. As a result, most vets emerge from their military careers with proven records of positive employment outcomes. This should be a wonderful source of star employees for our facilities, yet these heroes actually end up facing the biggest battles of their careers as they transition to the civilian workforce.

Out of the Gate Strategies to Engage and Retain Your Talent

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION]: View this session to learn what strategies Avera implemented across their system to improve first-year retention resulting in an estimated cost savings of $7,000,000.

CHHR Study Course: Community Citizenship and Personal Leadership

[ON-DEMAND COURSE] Learn to connect with employees, customers and the needs of communities through possible outreach programs and initiatives concerning your community. Display passionate dedication to the mission of health care, demonstrating self-awareness and self-motivation. Community Citizenship carries a 10% weight on the CHHR exam, and Personal Leadership carries a 17% weight. 

CHHR Study Course: People Strategies

[ON-DEMAND COURSE] HR Leaders focus on people strategies in order to capture the hearts and minds of their people and create the desired culture. Foster meaningful work that supports a high performance environment and effective delivery of care. People strategy skills include developing value-based leaders who have the ability to create a shared vision that delivers results for the organization. This course will prepare you to effectively attract and develop a diverse health care workforce that meets both the needs of patients and the community. People Strategies carries a 24% weight on the CHHR exam.

At Parkland Health, Workforce Engagement Is the Foundation of Patient Experience Improvement

HR Pulse Article
[HR PULSE ARTICLE]: The business case for nurturing a robust organizational culture in health care can be seen in some of the recent performance metrics coming out of Dallas-based Parkland Health & Hospital System. Since the launch of an integrated improvement strategy in 2015, the 850-bed safety net hospital has moved the needle on workforce engagement from the ninth percentile to the above the 30th percentile, decreased employee turnover by almost 2.5 percentage points in one year, increased the number of units with top-tier engagement by nearly 300% and consistently improved performance on the global Likelihood to Recommend metric — an indicator of patient loyalty.

LTC as an HR Recruitment and Retention Strategy

HR Pulse Article
[HR PULSE ARTICLE] The long-term care (LTC) system in the United States faces significant challenges as it prepares for an increasingly aging society. The number of Americans above age 65 is projected to grow to 98 million, roughly a quarter of the total population by 2060. Many of those individuals will require long-term care services and supports (LTSS) to manage the many health conditions that develop as one gets older.

CHHR Study Course: Health Care Business Knowledge

[ON-DEMAND COURSE] Knowing the “business” side of health care requires that HR Leaders shape strategies through seasoned judgment and visionary insight. As HR transitions to this new role, HR Leaders will be called upon to demonstrate healthcare business knowledge by applying best practices throughout the organization. supporting and exhibiting cross-functional capabilities. Health Care Business Knowledge carries a 20% weight on the CHHR exam.

CDC: Flu vaccine about 45% effective this year

This season’s flu vaccine has been about 45% effective at preventing flu-related outpatient visits, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

Updating Your Employment Handbook and Harassment Training to Include the LGBT Workforce

On-Demand Educational Webinars
[ON-DEMAND CONFERENCE SESSION] Learn about the status of the law regarding LGBTQ employees, and what the employer’s responsibilities are when it comes to updating their Employee Handbook and internal harassment and discrimination training.