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58056 Results Found

How a Clincally Integrated Supply Chain Can Improve Outcomes

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article

Best Guesses Don't Cut it in Healthcare

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article

Keys to Successfully Managing and Maintaining a Clinically-Integrated Supply Chain

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Collecting and analyzing data has been a top priority for the healthcare supply chain in recent years. Health systems have been on a quest to find the right data.

Pitfalls of Purchased Services

Discover tips that can separate a health system’s success or failure when creating a viable purchased services sourcing program in this short AHRMM webcast.

Introduction: Shared Risk Contracting: Provider and Supplier Perspectives

Get introduced to risk sharing in health care and learn how providers and suppliers can work together to generate financial, operational and clinical value by watching this AHRMM Webcast featuring

Understanding CQO through Data Visualization

Data visualization can help translate dashboards, benchmarking and metrics lines, and lines of supply chain data into actionable insight.

Linking Data Leads to Cost-Effective Supply Chain Decisions in Population Health Management

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Healthcare delivery systems in the U.S. have traditionally targeted health intervention strategies at individuals rather than populations.

UDI and MU3: What Data Goes in the Item Master?

Susan Morris, CMRP, FAHRMM, health care executive, Cerner Corporation, explains the different parts of the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) and which part should go into the Item Master. <

Collaboration and Data are Key Drivers for New Ways to Recover Costs and Reduce Spend for Hospitals

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Real-time supply chain costs serve as an indicator of how efficiently resources are being used by different parts of the organization.

Supply Chain's Expanding Role in the Social (Determinants) World

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Over the years, the concept of the Triple Aim has taken hold, with well over 100 participating organizations, including the AHA, among its champions.