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Our Journey to UDI: One Identifier to Rule Them All

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
By: Richard Bagley Download Article  

Unit of Use (UOU) Series: Potential UOU Examples – Part 3

In the third part of the the FDA Unique Device Identification (UDI) “Unit of Use” (UOU) webcast series, we cover several potential use cases for the FDA UDI UOU identifier.

Unit of Use (UOU) Series: Clinical Recognition of the UOU – Part 2

In part two of the FDA Unique Device Identification (UDI) Unit of Use (UOU) webcast series, we cover the FDA definition of the term, Unit of Use.

Unit of Use (UOU) Series: The FDA UOU Explained – Part 1

In part one, we explore the reasons why the FDA created the (UOU) Unit of Use.

Healthcare Supply Chain Leader of the Future


The One Sourcing Tactic that Could Save Your Hospital Millions

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article

No Stone Left Unturned: Uncovering Supply Chain Savings Opportunities

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Savvy supply chain leaders must go beyond medical product pricing to achieve the next level of savings for their organizations

Clinical Engagement Is Key to Exponential Supply Chain Performance Improvement

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
The need for effective clinical stakeholder engagement is a familiar supply chain concept.

Collaboration: The Next New Thing or The Final Straw

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
In reality, collaboration has always been here and will continue to be here. Collaboration is a part of life.

Advanced Procurement Technology for Achieving Supply Chain Success

Supply Chain Strategies & Solutions Article
Utilizing the right platform will not only enable simple purchasing of on-demand parts, accessories and services online, but it will also integrate with asset management and ERP systems.