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AHA, AAMC, CHA Request IRS Grant Filing Extension

In a letter to Secretary Mnuchin and IRS Commissioner Rettig, the AHA, AAMC and Catholic Health Association request that the IRS provide a six-month automatic extension for filing Forms 990, 990-T, and 4720 to any Section 501(c)(3) organization that is required to file Form 990, Schedule H. In addition, the organizations recommended that the IRS not impose any penalties if any hospital facilities operated by the section 501(c)(3) organization required to file Schedule H are delayed up to one year in completing a community health needs assessment or implementation plan.

100 Million Mask Challenge: AHA COVID-19 Resources

Since the COVID-19 outbreak began, the American Hospital Association has worked closely with the CDC, and other federal, state and local partners to respond to this challenge and to make sure hospitals and health systems have the most up-to-date information. As the COVID-19 outbreak evolves AHA continues to share tools, resources and information with the field daily.

CMS Releases Waivers for COVID-19

Special Bulletin
Emergency declaration waivers related to flexibility on treatment location and telehealth, the physician self-referral law, workforce and administrative activities.

FEMA, HHS task force targets supply chain needs

The Federal Emergency Management Agency and Department of Health and Human Services have created a Supply Chain Stabilization Task Force to address the need for personal protective equipment, ventilators and other life-saving equipment.

AHA issues resource on CARES Act Federal Reserve emergency lending program

The AHA released a Special Bulletin with information and FAQs on the Federal Reserve emergency lending program included in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.

Administration asks hospitals to report certain COVID-19 data daily

Vice President Pence, on behalf of President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force, sent a letter to the nation's hospitals requesting that all hospitals report certain data on COVID-19 testing results, bed and ventilator capacity.

CMS releases waivers for COVID-19

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services released a substantial number of new waivers related to COVID-19. The waivers apply nationwide and are retroactive to March 1, 2020.

AHA urges HHS and CMS to ‘directly and expediently’ distribute funds to hospitals and health systems as designated by CARES Act

AHA asked the Department of Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to directly and expediently distribute to rural and urban hospitals and health systems funds from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund that were designated for providers in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.