Trustee Articles

This primer provides an overview of the MACRA law and includes questions to help boards, executives and clinical leaders discuss its impact on their organization.
For hospitals and health systems interoperability means applying this concept to the sharing of information in electronic health records (EHRs) and other health information through a fluid process that gives multiple providers in multiple locations actionable information to support safe and quality…
Telehealth connects patients to vital health care services though videoconferencing, remote monitoring, electronic consults and wireless communications.
Cybersecurity is an important issue for both the public and private sector. At a time when so many of our activities depend on information systems and technology, it is not surprising that, when we think about our organizations’ vulnerabilities, our information infrastructure must be high on the…
The uncertainty and complexity of today’s rapidly transforming health care environment requires dynamic CEO leadership more than ever. A sound and steady relationship between the board and CEO helps support the CEO during this turbulent time and, in turn, a close and productive partnership between…
Health care CEOs may need a little help. How about hiring a chief of staff?
In pursuit of its longstanding vision of a “society of healthy communities where all individuals reach their highest potential for health,” the American Hospital Association supports hospitals, health systems and related organizations in engaging in strategic initiatives that together create a path…
How well boards govern is influenced by a number of factors, among them, the knowledge and skills board members bring to their work.
New board members need more than a briefing on their organization — and the role they play in it
Some 66 percent of U.S. hospitals are now part of health systems, according to 2016 survey data from the American Hospital Association. As systems continue to grow in scope and complexity, their governance often follows suit.