Transforming Governance

The American Hospital Association (AHA) is dedicated to transforming health care governance through the work of its Trustee Services.

As we begin a new year, Sue Ellen Wagner looks at what lies ahead with Greg Bentz, 2023 Committee on Governance (COG) Chair.
Transforming Governance High Impact Governance Challenges Conventions New thinking can take leadership of boards much further By Barbara Lorsbach In the last few decades, hospital and health system boards of trustees have transitioned from fulfilling basic fiduciary responsibilities to…
Workforce Strategy Simulations Spur Board to Test Workforce Strategies Baystate Health taps member creativity and competition to explore challenges, solutions By Mark A.
Suicide Prevention Health Systems Making Suicide Prevention a Priority AFSP’s Christine Moutier and Maggie Mortali discuss programs and tools that support health care workers By Sue Ellen Wagner Intervie
Suicide Prevention How Boards Can Support Suicide Prevention Initiatives Hartford HealthCare’s Marissa Sicley-Rogers and Jennifer Ferrand discuss their Zero Suicide Initiative
Governing a health system is different than governing a stand-alone hospital. All health system boards oversee and attempt to integrate different businesses regardless of the type of system they govern.
I recently spoke with William (Bill) Menner about some of the challenges that hospital and health system boards are experiencing.
Physician Strategy It’s Time to Rethink Your Board’s Physician Strategy Catching up to disruptive market forces by Charles A. Peck, M.D., and Alexander M.
Facilitating digital transformation demands that boards appreciate its urgency, move past the hype and fulfill strategy at their hospital and health system via digital transformation-related needs assessment, plan execution and evaluation of results and outcomes.