Transforming Governance
The American Hospital Association (AHA) is dedicated to transforming health care governance through the work of its Trustee Services.
This webinar makes the case that the time has come to develop a new model of hospital and health system governance. Presenter Jamie Orlikoff discusses four phases in the evolution of the current model of governance and ongoing market and organizational pressures that make it difficult for the…
Value creation occurs at many levels in organizations. This chart, used by St. Charles Health System based in Bend, Ore., describes the unique role of governance as well the roles of leadership, management and front-line workers in applying Lean principles to support sustained organizational…
Standard Work for Governance Example
Source: St. Charles Health System. Used with Permission.
Lean principles and practices drive performance improvement by clarifying the steps involved in work processes to avoid wasting time reinventing how work should be done. The board of St. Charles Health…
Health care is ripe for change. The evidence is all around us. A majority of health care leaders recently surveyed said hospitals and health systems are most in need of disruptive innovation (New England Journal of Medicine Catalyst, February 16, 2017). Consumers are taking charge of their own…
This webinar provides specific examples of and practical tools used by the highest-performing boards as they move toward five categories of advanced governance practices: Visionary, Strategic and ‘System’-focused; Nimble, Streamlined and Clear; Intentional, Disciplined and Consistent; Competency-…
“No battle plan survives the first contact with the enemy,” goes a military saying, expressed in recent years by Colin Powell.
The expression is worth remembering as hospitals and health systems embrace bold strategies to participate in the industry-wide
economic shift from rewarding volume to…
Just as the health industry continues to shift care delivery from a volume- to a value-based model, so too must the health care board evolve beyond its traditional fiduciary and core governance responsibilities to encompass a more strategic and global view. The success of this evolving model…
Today’s hospital leaders know their trustees must be more adaptable, connected and knowledgeable about the changing health care landscape than any of their predecessors. But do they believe their volunteer community board is truly capable of stepping up to current field challenges?
The highest-performing boards across the country share certain key characteristics that can be grouped into five categories - visionary, nimble, intentional, competency-based and objective.
The Triple Aim of improving the experience of care, improving the health of populationsand reducing per capita costs of health care is a nationally recognized goal that provides context for much of the work now underway to redesign existing systems for care, payment and collaboration to achieve…