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57895 Results Found

AHA podcast: Bridging the Gap Between Clinical Care and Community Population Health

Kevin Barnett, senior investigator with the Public Health Institute and board member for Trinity Health, discusses how rural providers with finite resources can bridge the gap between clinical care and community population health, while also improving health equity.

AHA webinar replay: Clearing Up the Confusion Around COVID-19 Vaccines

In this AHA webinar replay for health care providers, experts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and hospitals clarify what COVID-19 vaccines are available and share strategies to help promote vaccination, especially in children under age 5.

CMS issues APM incentive payment advisory for clinicians

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services July 28 advised clinicians in the Medicare Quality Payment Program w

CMS Releases FY 2024 Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility PPS Final Rule

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on July 27 issued its final rule for the inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) prospective payment system (PPS) for fiscal year (FY) 2024.

Make August Count: Host Your Lawmakers at Your Hospital

Legislators need to be aware of the work that hospitals and health systems do now more than ever because the House and Senate are considering so-called site-neutral legislation that would further reduce Medicare funding for patient services provided by hospitals.

Advisory | Center

AHA’s advisory services help hospitals navigate complex questions and make systematic changes to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of patient care by making informed decisions and empowering staff.

Data & Solutions | Center

As hospitals and health systems use data to improve care and optimize all areas of the care continuum, the AHA Center for Health Innovation offers expertise, tools and resources to better understand what it can do and how to use it to achieve meaningful results.

Hospital Outpatient, Ambulatory Surgical Center Proposed Rule for CY 2024

The AHA is deeply concerned that CMS is proposing a CY 2024 outpatient hospital payment update of only 2.8% despite persistent financial headwinds facing the hospital field.

Bridging the Gap Between Clinical Care and Community Population Health

In this conversation, guest Kevin Barnett, senior investigator with the Public Health Institute and board member for Trinity Health, discusses what it will take for rural providers to bridge the gap between clinical care and community population health, while also improving health equity.

MaineHealth works to engineer a greener future

Facility deploys solar panels and improved thermal performance to advance sustainability goals