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57890 Results Found

AI can benefit nurses, NCSBN’s Benton says

Artificial intelligence can be used to better manage patients and adjust nurse workloads, reducing stress and burnout, according to David Benton, PhD, RGN, CEO of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing.

Joint Commission, NQF join forces

The National Quality Forum will join the Joint Commission, while maintaining its independence in convening and developing consensus-based measures.

Study: Adult use of certain substances continues to rise

A record 44% of adults aged 19-30 and 28% of adults aged 35-50 reported using marijuana last year.

AHA provides input to CMS on potential future episode-based payment model 

AHA proposed several recommendations in response to a CMS request for information.

NIH awards $24 million to establish maternal health research centers

The centers will develop and evaluate innovative approaches to reduce pregnancy-related complications and deaths and promote maternal health equity.

AHA makes donation to support Hawaii wildfire victims 

The AHA has made a donation to support health care personnel and communities impacted by the recent wildfires in Hawaii.

How Mayo Clinic Hospital Has Built Authentic Partnerships to Assess and Address Community Health Needs

The Mayo Clinic Hospital in Arizona is a tertiary referral care hospital. Community hospitals that have patients who have complex health needs and who need specialty care send those patients to us. Through community partnerships — including with local health departments and community-based organizations — all stakeholders can come together to strengthen the health of the populations we serve better than we could do apart.

H-ISAC TLP White Finished Intelligence Report Threat Profiles on China-Based Threat Actors

On August 16, 2023, the Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3) released a report regarding Chinese cyber threat actors who are known to target public health and private health sector entities in cyberspace.

HC3 TLP Clear Threat Profile: China-Based Threat Actors - August 16, 2023

This white paper outlines Chinese cyber threat actors who are known to target the U.S. public health and private health sector entities in cyberspace.