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57885 Results Found

Study: ED triage nurses exhibit cognitive biases

Emergency room triage nurses correctly selected the cognitively unbiased triage response only 51% of the time in a scenario describing a patient at the highest severity index level, according to a study.

Leader details ways to retain nurses

Nurse leaders who exhibit a growth mindset, emotional intelligence and innovation create workplaces where nurses want to stay, according to AONL member Sara Groff, MSN, RN, senior nursing director for oncology and surgical services at MedStar Health in Columbia, Md.

Health Affairs article examines role of health equity officers in addressing health care disparities

An article published in Health Affairs examines hospital equity officers’ roles and actions to address the leading factors that contribute to health care disparities, including structural racism.

Individualized feedback improves hand hygiene, study shows

Hand hygiene compliance improved by 15% across all rooms and 17% in patient rooms when health workers received automated individualized feedback, according to a study.

AMA funds standardized blood pressure training for nursing schools

The American Medical Association is awarding $100,000 in grants to five universities to improve standardized blood pressure instruction.

AHA video: A Health Leader's Perspective on Serving and Inspiring a Minority Community

In a new video for Hispanic Heritage Month, José R. Sánchez, CEO of Humboldt Park Health in Chicago, reflects on rising from humble beginnings as a Latino immigrant to lead an organization that serves a diverse minority community.

University starts nursing and engineering innovation center

The University of Connecticut in Mansfield is launching a Nursing and Engineering Innovation Center to combine nurses’ problem-solving, innovative nature with engineers’ technological expertise.

AHA urges VA to issue proposed rule on claims audit and appeals processes

AHA Oct. 4 urged the Department of Veterans Affairs to issue proposed rulemaking for its audit and appeals processes under the Payment Integrity Information Act of 2019 in order to allow for public input and formalize clear standards and expectations. 

AHA urges CMS to remove impending telehealth provider requirement  

AHA Oct. 4 urged the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to permanently remove the requirement that telehealth providers report their home address on enrollment and claims forms, which would pose privacy and safety risk.

Webinar | 5 Secrets to Hospital Podcasting

Whether you have a hospital podcast, considering starting your own podcast, or simply seeking to expand your marketing toolkit, this webinar is your gateway to uncovering the secrets that not only drive engagement and build trust but also elevate your hospital's brand through the dynamic world of podcasting.