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57875 Results Found

AHA participates in Capitol Forum panel about vertical integration by commercial insurers

Participating Oct. 26 in a panel discussion hosted by The Capitol Forum, AHA highlighted some of the negative downstream effects of vertical integration and consolidation by commercial health insurers.

Podcast discusses hospital focus on SDOH

GBMC HealthCare CEO John Chessare, MPH, MD, discusses in an American Hospital Association podcast how the health system began investing in its Baltimore community by specifically focusing on the social determinants of health.

CDC issues guidance on RSV treatment for infants

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week released interim guidance for clinicians with limited access to the monoclonal antibody nirsevimab, which was recently approved to prevent respiratory syncytial virus in children aged 2 and under.

AHRQ resources offer insight into patient safety risks

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has released new chart books and updated dashboards to aid health care organizations in better understanding patients’ safety risks.

CDC: Health workers report harassment, poor mental health

The share of health workers who reported feeling threatened or harassed by patients or others at work more than doubled between 2018 and 2022 to 13.4%, according to a report based on national survey data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Article examines reducing unnecessary care

An article from the Lown Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, explores the potential for nurses to reduce unnecessary care.

Study: NPs as safe as physicians in prescribing meds for seniors

Nurse practitioners prescribe as safely for seniors as primary care physicians, according to a study.

Voices of ASHE: Where are They Now?

Voices of ASHE highlights individual members and their diverse experiences. We aim to celebrate our members and the amazing work you do.