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57870 Results Found

Podcast: Understanding Perinatal Depression with UMass Memorial

In the latest episode in AHA’s three-part series on maternal health, Tiffany Moore Simas, M.D., chair of obstetrics and gynecology at UMass Memorial, discusses the concerning prevalence of perinatal depression, and the options available to provide moms with a lifeline.

HSR journal releases special issue on health equity

Health Services Research, the flagship publication of AHA’s Health Research & Educational Trust, Nov. 28 released with support from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality a special edition focused on health equity.

PCORI awards maternal health research grants

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute Nov. 28 awarded $80.5 million to support comparative clinical effectiveness studies on the health care and social factors that contribute to inequities in maternal morbidity and mortality.

Fundamentals of Health Care Facility Management | April 2024 | Live Online Training

Fundamentals of Health Care Facility Management | April 2024 | Live Online Training

2022 Environmental Scan - Archive

The Archived 2022 AHA Environmental Scan details data and trends that have implications for the health care field for the coming year and beyond. The Scan will help your staff, leadership and board strategize and plan for the future.

Solutions: Wayfinding and plumbing products

Wayfinding, plumbing and other products on our radar for health care facilities

Measuring fire drill effectiveness using staff surveys

Fire safety training should demand the same amount of attention as fire safety equipment testing

ASHE uses data to push for NFPA code change

The 2023 edition of NFPA 25 allows for more flexibility around sprinkler piping

Certified Health Care Constructor (CHC) Exam Review Course | Nov. 2024 | Live Online Training

Certified Health Care Constructor (CHC) Exam Review Course | Nov. 2024 | Live Online Training

Certified Health Care Constructor Exam Review Course | PDC Summit 2024

This course provides test-taking tips, key topics, and sample questions identified in the CHC content outline (as listed in the CHC Candidate Handbook).