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57870 Results Found

Report: HRSA should classify as essential certain health care services related to intimate partner violence 

The Health Resources and Services Administration should classify as essential 15 health care services related to intimate partner violence, according to a report released Jan. 11 by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Paper explores how to reduce algorithm biases

A paper published in JAMA Network Open in December 2023 provides health care leaders with guiding principles to reduce algorithm biases and avoid repeating mistakes that have led to worse outcomes for racial and ethnic minorities.

Joint Commission journal releases special issue on health equity

The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety this month published a 50th anniversary issue on health care equity.

IFDHE’s Leadership Council shares insights on advancing health equity during financial challenges 

As hospitals and health systems continue to grapple with financial constraints, members of the Leadership Council from AHA’s Institute for Diversity and Health Equity share their expertise about how organizations can continue to advance diversity, equity and inclusion efforts.

MedPAC votes on 2025 payment recommendations

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Jan. 11 voted to recommend that Congress update Medicare payment rates for hospital inpatient and outpatient services by the current law amount plus 1.5% for 2025, and reiterated its recommendation to distribute an additional $4 billion to safety-net hospitals by transitioning to a Medicare safety-net index policy.

HHS releases final rule on conscience protections

The Department of Health and Human Services’ this week released a final rule that partially restores the long-standing process for enforcing federal conscience laws, and strengthens protections against conscience and religious discrimination.

Additional staff alone may not ensure high-quality dementia care

A study found specialized training, an easy-to-navigate environment and staff stability ─ as well as adding staff ─ are necessary to ensure high-quality care for patients with dementia living in nursing homes.

Utilizing Team-Based Care and TeamSTEPPS to Strengthen and Support Today’s Interprofessional Workforce

Dr. Chris DeRienzo and Rhonda Fischer have a moderated discussion on how connecting team-based care with TeamSTEPPS is a powerful combination for supporting and strengthening the interprofessional workforce. Hear how TeamSTEPPS 3.0 and our AHA TeamSTEPPS curriculum innovations create the platform for safe, patient-centered care through an empowered, team-centered lens. (Webinar presented January 10, 2024)

NP burnout affecting patient safety, study says

Primary care facilities employing stressed and burned out nurse practitioners experienced increased rates of elder patients with chronic conditions requiring emergency care, a study found.

Study: Transcendental meditation improves nurse well-being

Transcendental meditation improved the well-being of clinical nurses by decreasing posttraumatic stress disorder, anxiety, and burnout and increasing flourishing, according to a study.