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57867 Results Found

Balancing New Imperatives for a Changing Environment: Highlights from Futurescan 2024 Health Care Trends and Implications

Keeping you at the forefront of health care transformation and rebuilding means looking around the curve to what’s ahead. In Futurescan 2024, experts in the field explore key trends that will transform health care over the next five years. Join renowned futurist Ian Morrison, Ph.D., for a webinar on the latest edition of SHSMD's annual guide for health care strategy, leadership and innovation.

HHS Finalizes Changes to Information-sharing Requirements for Addiction Treatment

The HHS Office for Civil Rights and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Feb. 8 finalized modifications of certain provisions of part 2 of title 42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, commonly known as 42 CFR Part 2 (or Part 2), to align requirements for patient records regarding treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) with those in effect under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule.

International Hospital Federation accepting nominations for 2024 awards

The International Hospital Federation is accepting nominations through April 19 for its 2024 awards honoring excellence in hospitals and health care organizations around the world.

CMS updates hospital guidance on texting patient information

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has updated its guidance for hospitals and critical access hospitals to permit health care team members to share patient information and orders with each other through a HIPAA-compliant secure texting platform that complies with Medicare and Medicaid conditions of participation.

Beyond Gratitude

Protecting Access to Patient Care in Rural Communities Across America

For the 57 million Americans who live in rural areas, their hospital is the lifeblood of the community.

Join a Community of Nurse Leaders

Join AONL today, and start interacting with over 11,000 of your nursing leadership peers.

Sustainability versus life safety issues

Analyzing the trade-offs between two important health facility priorities

Urge Congress to Protect Health Care Workers from Violence by Passing the SAVE Act

Enactment of the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act (H.R. 2584/S. 2768) is a top priority for the AHA and the hospital field.