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57863 Results Found


Sparking Social Connection and Community With Indiana University Health

In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a shocking 80-plus page advisory declaring loneliness and social isolation as reaching epidemic levels in American society.

Cultural Sensitivity in Treatment Tip Sheet

Read the recommendations for ensuring cultural sensitivity in treatment.

Patient Identification Errors Tip Sheet

Read the research-based recommendations to advance accurate patient identification.

Enroll as a Mentor in Mentor Match

Thank you for supporting and growing the community by enrolling as a mentor!

Fast Facts: U.S. Health Systems Infographic

A new infographic provides a quick overview on the number of health systems in the U.S. AHA has defined two types of health care systems, and both involve an ownership, lease, sponsorship or contract-management relationship with a central organization.

Futurescan 2023: Health Care Trends and Implications

Futurescan 2023 is the latest in a series of publications for health care leaders that the American Hospital Association’s Society for Health Care Strategy & Market Developme

AHA Data Visualizations

A collection of infographics from AHA Hospital Statistics on Fast Facts on U.S. Hospitals, Fast Facts on U.S. Health Systems, Fast Facts on U.S. Rural Hospitals, and Obstetrics: U.S. Rural Hospitals.

AHA podcast: Supporting heart-healthy pregnancies, postpartum care

Part of a special series exploring how hospitals and health systems are addressing the medical complications that can accompany pregnancy, this podcast shares how Orlando Health is reaching outside its walls to support heart-healthy pregnancies and postpartum periods for new mothers.

Journal invites manuscripts for theme issue on public health, care delivery connection

The journal NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery invites manuscripts for possible inclusion in an upcoming theme issue on the intersection between public health and care delivery.

ASHRM Academy 2024

ASHRM Academy provides comprehensive courses that advance participants' grasp and application of risk management concepts.