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57808 Results Found

HHS: 7.1 million enrolled in 2015 federally-facilitated Marketplace

More than 7.1 million individuals and families selected a health plan (or were automatically re-enrolled) through the federally-facilitated Health Insurance Marketplace between Nov. 15 and Jan.

Kansas hospitals boost state economy

Kansas hospitals directly employ 84,210 people and support nearly 68,000 additional jobs in other sectors, according to a new

Podcast: 2014 National Health Care Governance Survey

The AHA’s Center for Healthcare Governance has released the results of its 2014 National Health Care Governance Survey.

AHA hosts briefing on changing health care landscape

At an AHA briefing today in Washington, D.C.

AHA issues case study report on hospital discharge planning tools

Hospital discharge planning tools should incorporate the judgment of clinicians and be administratively feasible, according to a new AHA

Altarum: Health sector jobs surge in fourth quarter

The health care sector added 34,100 new jobs in December and saw upward revisions of 17,800 jobs in October and November, resulting in the highest three-month gain since 2002, according to the late

CMS issues FAQ on Medicaid managed care marketing regulations

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Friday issued a Frequently Asked Questions do

HHS factsheet reviews tax filing process for consumers with Marketplace coverage

The Department of Health and Human Services Friday issued a factsheet&

CDC issues resources to help hospitals promote healthy food, physical activity

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Friday released online resources to help hospitals assess and promote healthy food and physical activity options.