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57812 Results Found

Additional Americans under observation for potential Ebola exposure

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and State Department are helping to privately transport to the U.S.

FTC announces SMARTER Act reforms; legislation would make permanent

Seeking to preempt legislation, the Federal Trade Commission Friday

CMS issues revised draft guidance on health care use of blood glucose meters

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services on Friday temporarily withdrew guidance for state survey agencies regarding the use of blood glucose strip meters in hospitals and other health care

HHS estimates 16.4 million adults have gained health coverage through ACA

About 16.4 million uninsured adults have gained health coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance marketplaces and provision allowing young adults to remain on a parents plan

Altarum reports first year-over-year fall in hospital prices since at least 1992

Hospital prices fell 0.1% in January compared to a year ago, the first such decline in at least 23 years, according to the latest

GAO issues data on state sources of non-federal share of Medicaid funds

The Government Accountability Office Friday released data from its survey on sources of funds used by state

Coalition TV ad urging Congress to protect hospital care continues

The Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care has extended its TV buy for another week, as Congress continues to negotiate a physician payment fix.

Transition to second curve biggest challenge, says AHA trustee Bruce Bailey

AHA board member Bruce Bailey’s hospital career transpired in an unexpected way.

Adapting commercial spaces for outpatients

Renovating commercial spaces into health care facilities can be a cost-effective alternative to building new