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57815 Results Found

AHA advertorial: Time to remove regulatory roadblocks to better care

It’s time for regulators to recognize the changing health care landscape and remove obstacles on the road to collaboration, according to an AHA

CareFirst attack reminder of cyber risks facing health care

A cyber attack against a database at health insurer CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield serves as another potent reminder to hospitals and other health care organizations of the importance of ongoing in

House Energy and Commerce Committee unanimously approves 21st Century Cures Act

The House Energy and Commerce Committee today voted 51-0 to approve H.R. 6, the 21st Century Cures Act.

OSHA, FDA and Joint Commission top regulatory issues

Information on health care codes and standards

Construction quarterly results

Top health care construction projects, firms and locations

Study says patients infected with Clostridium difficile are twice as likely to be readmitted

Clostridium difficile readmissions pose problem | study suggests inconsistent care policies

New York leads wave of ambulatory care facility construction in large urban areas

New facilities meet trend in outpatient care, same-day surgeries

2020 Health Care Climate Challenge focuses on cutting carbon emissions

Initiative addresses health care impact on climate change

HX360 conference covers new IT technology, need for partnerships

HX360 conference givers entrepreneurs, investors chance to collaborate