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57826 Results Found

Joint Commission, ASHE launch Physical Environment Portal

Also this week: New CMS rule for long-term care facilities, OSHA updates TB screening instructions, study on PPE removal and FDA issues guidance on surgical gowns.

ASHE recognizes hospitals for cutting energy consumption

The American Society for Healthcare Engineering yesterday recognized more than 20 hospitals for the

Report calls for national strategy, policies to support family caregivers

Family caregivers provided an estimated 37 billion hours of care to adult relatives or friends with chronic or disabling health conditions in 2013, according to a

AHA NOVA Award winners announced

Five hospital-led partnerships to improve community health received 2015 AHA NOVA Awards July 25 at the Health Forum/AHA Leadership Summit in San Francisco.

ASHE annual conference delivers winning event for facility pros

The 52nd annual conference drew in 3,200 attendees and 300 exhibitors and included important updates from the Joint Commission.

CDC: Adult uninsured rate down across racial groups

The proportion of uninsured working-age adults declined 7.1 percentage points in 2014 among African Americans, 7 percentage points among Hispanics, 4 percentage points among Asians and 3 percentage

AHA to court: HHS' arguments for missing appeals deadlines lack merit

The Department of Health and Human Services offers meritless arguments to avoid an order to abide by the statutory deadlines for Administrative Law Judge review of Medicare claims appeals, the AHA

Report recommends action to improve disaster preparedness for children

Ten years after Hurricane Katrina, the nation has yet to meet 79% of a federal advisory committee’s recommendations to improve disaster preparedness for children, according to a

Hospitals urged to submit data to AHA RACTrac survey

The AHA encourages all hospitals to submit data to the quarterly RACTrac survey by July 24.