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57857 Results Found

Report: Access to care improving, but state variation persists

The uninsured rate declined in 42 states in 2014, and adults in 21 states were less likely to go without care due to cost, according to a new

AHA Schedule H Project picks up early next year

AHA is preparing to launch its fifth Schedule H Project to help the association advocate for needed improvements to the form and support hospitals’ commitment to providing community benefits.

AHASTAT blog: Hospitals 'United Against the Flu'

Hospitals this week joined in celebrating National Influenza Vaccination Week, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention t

Senate hearing highlights impact of rising drug costs on hospitals

The recent wave of increases in the cost of prescription drugs is straining hospital budgets and squeezing patients, hospital and other health care witnesses Dec.

How integrated facility design can transform health care facilities

Lean design principles are helping to take waste out of health care operations and optimize workflows

Hospital well-prepared for surge that never happened after mass shooting

Loma Linda University Medical Center put its emergency preparedness plan into action and was ready 'to take up to 50 patients'

Congress extends direct supervision enforcement moratorium through 2015

The House of Representatives last night passed by unanimous consent AHA-supported legislation (S.

IRS urged to confirm that hospitals can report housing on Part I of 2015 Schedule H

The AHA, Catholic Health Association of the United States and Association of American Medical Colleges today urged the Internal Revenue Service to publicly confirm that hospitals may report expendi

Senate hearing highlights impact of rising drug costs on hospitals

The recent wave of increases in the cost of prescription drugs is straining hospital budgets and squeezing patients, hospital and other health care witnesses today told the Senate Aging Committee a