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57863 Results Found

AHA urges CMS, Treasury to protect consumers from skinny benefit plans

The AHA yesterday asked the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services and Department of the Treasury to “take swift and decisive action” to protect consumers from limited-benefit pla

MHA: Missouri hospitals continue to bear cost of state's high uninsured rate

Uncompensated care costs at Missouri hospitals increased 469% between 2004 and 2014, according to the Missouri Hospital Association’s annual

In final rule, CMS tempers the impact of reporting, repaying Medicare overpayments

Heeding concerns raised by the AHA and others, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Feb.

Building health care facilities of the future

Is your health care facility designed for flexibility?

Health system reinforces brand identity through design

Saint Francis Health System designed its ambulatory care facilities to connect with its larger brand

AHA urges Congress to reject further site-neutral payment policies

In a letter Friday to Republican leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and its health subcomm

Collaborative announces consensus on core measure sets for certain clinicians

The Core Quality Measures Collaborative, a public-private effort to align and simplify quality measures for physicians and other clinicians, has reached consensus on core quality measures for certa

CMS begins 2015 reinsurance payments in March; anticipates $7.7 billion for 2015 benefit year

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will begin distributing in March an anticipated $7.7 billion in reinsurance payments for the 2015 benefit year, the agency

The five P's of transformational design

The energy and excitement of a new building project can serve as a springboard for operational improvement