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57863 Results Found

CMS: Hospitals/EPs applying for 2015 hardship exception can attest to meaningful use

Hospitals and eligible professionals can attest to meaningful use of electronic health records for the 2015 Medicare Electronic Health Records Incentive Program if they are requesting a hardship ex

CMS clarifies deadline for comments on home health prior authorization proposal

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will accept comments through April 5, not April 11, on its

Hospitals vow to reduce purchases of furniture with antimicrobials

The Safer Chemicals Challenge is aiming to reduce the use of five different chemicals in health care facilities

Hospital leader testifies at Senate hearing on opioid use among seniors

The Senate Special Committee on Aging today held a hearing on opioid use

CDC, states investigating new reports of possible sexual transmission of Zika virus

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state public health departments are investigating 14 additional reports of possible sexual transmission of the Zika virus, including several invol

FDA reminds facilities to transition from recalled endoscope reprocessors

The Food and Drug Administration continues to recommend that hospitals and other facilities using automated endoscope reprocessors made by Custom Ultrasonics transition to alternative methods to re

CMS announces new confirmation process for special enrollment periods

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will implement a new

AHA reports on governance practices of effective community health partnerships

Hospitals and health systems partnering with others to improve community health are likely to embrace a collaborative governance model, according to a

Getting to environmental services' bottom line

Has your ES department implemented a Lean initiative in the past year?

Senate holds hearing on opioid abuse epidemic

The Senate Finance Committee today held a hearing examining the