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57870 Results Found

Keeping up with changes in health care real estate

Neil Carolan explains how the move off-campus has greatly complicated property management

Improving energy efficiency in hospitals

Benchmarking and a staged approach lead to better energy performance

ASHE's Energy to Care platform on the rise

The group is working to get buy-in from the C-suite to improve health care energy efficiency

Green health systems embrace renewable energy

Kaiser Permanente and Gundersen Health System developed tailored programs to reach energy-efficiency goals

Tech talk: Patient locating system, virtual reality and a gaming app developed by high schoolers

High-tech innovations add a personal touch to patient care

Lighting study confirms some assumptions, confounds others

Research finds that night workers perform better under red light

Tunable white light for health care spaces

New illumination technologies add to patient comfort and well-being

HFM's digital transition

Delivering content to fit reader preferences

How to embrace a diverse workforce

Leading a culturally diverse team requires listening and learning

CMS Life Safety Code resources

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