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57891 Results Found

Calvert Cares aims to empower patients

The path to lower readmissions lies in patient support, as an increasing number of hospitals and health systems are demonstrating.

Tech talk: Virtual care visits, simulation centers and 3-D interactive mapping

A hospital, a school and even a grocery chain use advanced tech to serve patients better

Amendments to ACA repeal bill unveiled

House Republican leaders late last night unveiled changes to

NAM initiative issues final report on policy priorities for better health at lower cost

The National Academy of Medicine’s Vital Directions for Health and Health Care Initiative today proposed four policy priorities for the administration and health care leaders to achieve bette

Reminder: IRF and LTCH quality data preview reports available through March 30

Inpatient rehabilitation facilities and long-term care hospitals can review their quality data through March 30 before it is reported on the

UNC REX's construction plans further its goal to become regional referral center

The health care system built its heart and vascular hospital as part of a larger vision

AHA launches ad urging Congress to protect coverage

A new AHA television ad urges Congress to protect health coverage for the most vu

CMS delays CJR expansion, bundled payment model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today delayed the applicable date f

American Association of Poison Centers releases online help tool

The American Association of Poison Centers has released an online poison help triage tool for the public.