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57890 Results Found

Saluting environmental services

AHE awards program puts spotlight on unsung heroes

Tech talk: Geolocation, mobile check-in and infrared security

Advanced tech solutions help hospitals to monitor patients in real-time

House releases FY 2017 omnibus appropriations bill

The House Appropriations Committee yesterday released legislation that would provide di

CDC: Disparity between black and white death rates declining

The age-adjusted death rate declined 25% for black Americans and 14% for white Americans between 1999 and 2015, reducing the overall disparity between black and white death rates from 33% to 16%, a

Online tool now includes quality data for all VA medical centers

The Department of Veterans Affairs yesterday expanded its access and quality tool to include certain inpatient quality data for ev

QualityNet accepting QRDA files for electronic clinical quality measure reporting

The QualityNet portal is accepting Quality Reporting Document Architecture Category I files for electronic clinical

Hospitals fight hunger with food pharmacies, pantries and gardens

Health care-led initiatives are battling chronic illness by addressing food insecurity

Poll: Lowering prescription drug costs a high priority for many Americans

Six in 10 Americans identify lowering the cost of prescription drugs as a “top priority” for President Trump and Congress when it comes to health care, according to a recent

CDC announces plan for addressing U.S. shortage of yellow fever vaccine

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Friday announced a plan for ensuring a continuous supply of yel