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57890 Results Found

AHA NOVA Award winners announced

Five hospital-led partnerships to improve community health will receive AHA NOVA Awards July 29 at the AHA Leadership Summit in San Diego.

Ascension hits Better Buildings Challenge goal three years early

The system aligned its 141 acute care hospitals around a common goal

Pollack interview highlights importance of protecting coverage

AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack yesterday discussed on C-SPAN's Newsmakers the state of play on effor

ND providers to Senate: Go back to drawing board on health care reform

The North Dakota Hospital Association and North Dakota Medical Association last week shared their concerns about the U.S.

DHS issues update on federal efforts to strengthen cybersecurity

The Department of Homeland Security Friday released an initial update on efforts to strengthen the cybersecurity of federal net

Most Wired hospitals use technology to partner with patients on health

The nation’s “Most Wired” hospitals are using smart phones, telehealth and remote monitoring to make it easier for patients and health care providers to interact, according to

New cancer center combines best of all worlds: care, convenience, comfort

Siteman Cancer Center doubles size of outpatient facility at Barnes-Jewish St. Peters Hospital

CMS delays new requirements for HH agencies by six months

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services today delayed the effective date from Ju

Study: BCRA could cost almost 1.5 million jobs

If the Better Care Reconciliation Act were enacted in its current form, the U.S.

Georgia public health official named CDC director

Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price today