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52256 Results Found

Hospital prices rise 0.4% in February

Overall hospital prices increased 0.4% in February, and were 0.4% higher than a year ago, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today.

Agencies issue guidance for duodenoscope and other reusable device makers

The Food and Drug Administration today issued final guidance for makers of reusable duoden

IPPS hospitals can apply through April 1 for EHR hardship exception

Hospitals paid under the Medicare inpatient prospective payment system can

CDC: About 2 in 3 people with invasive cancer survive at least five years

Nearly two-thirds of Americans diagnosed with cancer survive for five or more years, according to a

AHA report details challenges threatening hospitals' critical 24/7 role

The AHA today released a new report detailing the 24/7 role of America’s hospitals and the challenges threatening this essential part of the nation’s

IRS finalizes guidance for correcting, disclosing certain 501(r) violations

The Internal Revenue Service yesterday posted guidance finalizing, with modifications, the correction and disclosure

CDC updates community health indicators tool

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention yesterday updated an online tool that produces health profiles for all U.S

Florida HEN improves care for 27,500 patients, saves $170 million

Hospitals participating in the Florida Hospital Association’s Hospital Engagement Network improved care for more than 27,500 patients over three years, avoiding an estimated $170 million in h

Rhode Island hospitals boost economy by $6.9 billion

Rhode Island hospitals contributed $6.9 billion to the state's economy in 2013, according to a new report by the Hospital Association of Rhod

Bill would factor sociodemographic risk into hospital readmission rates

A bipartisan group of House and Senate lawmakers March 10 introduced legislation that the AHA said would improve the Medicare Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) by factoring sociodemogr