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Teaching Hospitals: Preparing Tomorrow's Physicians Today, TrendWatch, June 2015

Teaching hospitals serve as centers for training future health care professionals, while also supporting an environment in which biomedical and clinical research can flourish, offering specialized services and providing patient care, often in the most disadvantaged communities.

Issue Brief: Zeroing in on the Triple Aim

Patients expect and deserve excellent care from their health care providers. This paper highlights multiple areas where hospitals are improving care, encouraging healthier lifestyles and reducing costs.

The Patient-to-Consumer Revolution

How high tech, transparent marketplaces and consumer power are transforming U.S. healthcare.

Accountable Care Organizations: Findings from the Survey of Care Systems and Payment

AHA conducted a survey of 309 ACOs in 2013 which covered such topics as structure and governance, contracts and risk models, key challenges, performance management and information exchange.

Report recommends strengthening U.S. readiness for smallpox

The U.S. should develop better diagnostics, vaccines and treatments to enhance its readiness for an outbreak involving smallpox or related diseases, according to a report released this week from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

Nurse sabbaticals could address burnout

Front-line nurses and other health workers could benefit from paid sabbaticals, a STAT op-ed suggests.

Algorithm addresses nurse burnout

A charge nurse at Sentara Leigh Hospital came up with an idea for a patient acuity nursing tool to optimize nursing assignments, resulting in improved care for patients and workload for nurses.

Acuity-adaptable model improves efficiency, study shows

Implementing an acuity-adaptable model on a dedicated noncritical trauma unit improved efficiency and resource utilization without decreasing quality of care, a study found.

‘Enculturation toolkit’ sustains engagement and belonging

An “enculturation toolkit” piloted on a progressive care unit at the Phoenix-based Mayo Clinic improved knowledge about the organization and sustained engagement and belonging, a study found.

Geisinger plans to use virtual nursing to improve patient safety

Geisinger Health System in Danville, Pa., wants to use virtual nursing to reduce patient falls and hospital-acquired pressure ulcers, as well as to mentor new nurses and provide patient education, according to Executive Vice President and CNE Janet Tomcavage, MSN, RN.