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57806 Results Found

Senate approves bill to protect emergency access to controlled medications

The Senate last night approved by unanimous consent the Protecting Patient Access to Emergency Medicines Act (H.R. 304).

Senate passes disaster relief bill; CDC issues hurricane-related alert

The Senate yesterday voted 82-17 to approve a second emergency funding measure to support recovery from the

CBO: Alexander-Murray bill would reduce deficit by $3.8 billion over 10 years

The Bipartisan Health Care Stabilization Act of 2017 would reduce the deficit by $3.8 billion by 2027, according to an

AHA study: Rising regulatory burden diverting providers from patient care

Hospitals, health systems and post-acute care providers spend nearly $39 billion a year on administrative activities related to regulatory compliance, according to a study released today by the AHA window-shopping begins; open enrollment kicks off Nov. 1

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services this week launched the window-shopping feature at, which allows consumers to pr

Accreditor issues guidance on environmental safeguards to prevent suicide

The Joint Commission today issued guidance to help hos

Avera e-CARE's telehealth services work to preserve healthy rural hospitals, communities

Sioux Falls, S.D.-based Avera Health’s use of telehealth services illustrates how necessity is the mother of innovation.

AHE names 2018 president-elect, new board members

The AHA’s Association for the Healthcare Environment has named as its presi

Survey ranks AHA at top for influence, efficacy of advocacy associations in DC

The AHA ranked first of 50 trade associations on six of 15 measures of advocacy effectiveness, the most of any association, according to the results from APCO Worldwide’s annual TradeMarks