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57806 Results Found


Mental Health Services- Grants

Grants Grants

Mental Health Services - Prevention

Prevention, Early Identification, and Intervention

About MCH Leadership Opportunities

Children's Hospital executives serve as advisors to the Association through participation on the AHA President's Forum for Children's

St. Charles Health System - Behavioral Health Consultant Project

What is it? The Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC) project embeds psychologists trained in integrated primary care directly into clinics throughout the region.

CDC: Overdose deaths from synthetic opioids up sharply last year

The rate of overdose deaths from synthetic opioids other than methadone increased 72.2% in 2015, likely driven primarily by illicitly manufactured fentanyl, according to a new

Study: Many people treated with buprenorphine continue to receive other opioids

Many people receiving buprenorphine to treat opioid addiction fill prescriptions for other opioids during or after treatment, according to a

Coverage Matters in the Fight Against Opioid Abuse

As the nation debates changes to the Affordable Care Act, it’s worth noting what’s been gained with the expansion of health care coverage to more than 20 million Americans.

President establishes commission to review federal response to opioid crisis

President Trump yesterday issued an executive order<

CDC launches online training series on opioid prescribing guidelines

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today released the first module in a new online training series to help

HHS awards grants to help states, territories combat opioid addiction

The Department of Health and Human Services yesterday awarded