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57816 Results Found


Reducing Emergency Department ICU Critical Care Boarder Hours

Boarding patients in the emergency department (ED) is detrimental to patient care, and evidence suggests that critical care patients boarded in the ED have longer lengths of stay and higher mortali

Reduction of Clostridium difficile Infections After Implementation of Enteric Contact Precautions

The health system did not have an adequate process for notifying staff when a patient was on contact precautions due to Clostridium difficile (C.

Using Culture of Safety Survey as a Roadmap to High Reliability

As identified in its 2014 Culture of Safety survey, the hospital's overall mean score for the standard questions was 64.0, which was 0.4 points higher than the prior year.

Transformation of Perinatal Quality and Safety in an Urban Safety Net Hospital

A history as a resource-challenged urban safety net hospital with a high-risk population, a lack of consistent and effective leadership and the absence of hard-wired clinical practices resulted in

Reduction of the Inappropriate Use of Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis Across the Health Care System

Inappropriate stress ulcer prophylaxis is a serious problem across the health care continuum.

A Collaborative Approach for the Reduction of CAUTI in a Long-Term Acute Care Facility

A review of the hospital's quality indicators revealed an unacceptable rate of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI).

Breakthrough Improvement on Sepsis

The project focused on managing sepsis in the emergency department and in admitted patients, with an emphasis on early identification and treatment.

Physician-Driven Initiative to Reduce Hospital Episiotomy Rates

Although episiotomy was once considered a routine part of childbirth, in recent years, there has been a shift away from this practice.

Emergency Department "Code Sepsis"

Sepsis is a medical condition with high rates of morbidity, mortality and cost and it is the most frequent diagnosis on the medical-surgical units at the hospital.

Decreasing VTE Rate and Length of Stay for Total Joint Patients Through an Interdisciplinary Orthopedic Co-Management Collaborative

The hospital's venous thromboembolism (VTE) rate for total joint patients was 36.2 in 2011 and 37.70 in 2012.