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57815 Results Found


Population Health Management: A Roadmap for Provider-Based Automation in a New Era of Healthcare

This report discusses the necessity of health information technology to effectively and systematically implement population health managmenet at the provider level.

The Promise of Population Health Management: New Technologies are Required to Automate Expanded Physician Workflow

This paper discusses how new technologies can be applied to improve the health of populations and the health care experience while reducing costs.

Prevention Research Centers: Building the Public Health Research Base with Community Partners

This report discussses the Center for Disease Control's involvement with Prevention Research Centers to find innovative, community-based approaches to promote health and prevent disease.

Prevention Research Centers: Building the Scientific Research Base with Community Partners

This article presents four case studies of effective community and academic partnership that improved population health.

What is Population Health?

This article proposes a definition of population health and differentiates the concept from public health, health promotion and social epidemiology.

Hospital Community Benefits after the ACA: The State Law Landscape

This primer discusses community benefit laws across the United States, noting differences in federal and state laws regarding responsibilities and imlementation.

2012 Community Health Needs Assessement: Imagine our Community Healthy!

This toolkit presents Muskegon County's Community Health Needs Assessment process and results, as well as a toolkit that can be applied for other communities' assessments.

The Many Journeys to Accountable Care: 4 Case Studies

The report describes the journeys of four care systems as they are transforming into accountable care organizations.

An Integrated Framework for Assessing the Value of Community-Based Prevention

This report discusses the strenghts of community disease prevention offers and presents a framework for assessing the value of non-clinical, community strategies on population health.

The Role of Prevention in Bending the Cost Curve

This report outlines promising provisions in the Affordable Care Act to achieve improved health and cost containment. It goes on to project the financial impact of those provisions.