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57815 Results Found


CHANGE Tool and Action Guide

This toolkit helps community groups assess and develop action plans to create sustainable, community-based improvements that address the root causes of chronic diseases.

The Guide to Community Preventive Services

The community guide is a resource to help hospitals and community organizations choose programs to improve health and prevent disease at the community level.

Implementing Healthy People 2020

This toolkit provides a framework for creating interventions that promote the Healthy People 2020 agenda.

Health Impact Assessment: A Basic Guide

This report provides a guide to conducting health impact assessments.

New England Health Impact Assessment Training Series

Webinars and presentations from the New England Health Impact Assessment Training Series in 2012.

Defining Healthy Communities

This article aims to define the term 'healthy communities' based on existing literature on the topic.

Healthy Communities by Design

This webinar introduces strategies to increase physical activity through community design.

Looking Beyond Hospital Walls

This webinar from Health Resources in Action discusses the benefits of hospital-community collaborations.

Guidance and Best Practices for Stakeholder Participation in Health Impact Assessments

This guide provides techniques, case studies and guiding principles from various fields of expertise to inform health impact assessments.

Models of Population Health: Their Value for US Public Health Practice, Policy, and Research

This article discusses definitions of population health and how various models of can operationalize population health priniciples in diverse situations.