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57815 Results Found


Ensuring Training Readiness in Cultural Competency Training

Although it is accepted that cultural competency training is a vital part of reducing health disparities, ensuring that trainees are 'ready' is an important first step.

Massage, Yoga and Somali Women: Daryel--the Somali Women's Wellness Project

A collaborative effort among Harborview Medical Center, two massage schools, the Southeast Seattle Senior Foundation and a group of older Somali women to address the muskuloskeletal pain and social

The Impact of Climate Change on Diverse Communities

The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and the Texas Health Institute developed a framework for assessing national research and programs on climate change and environmental priorities

Providing Consistant Culturally Competent Care in a Usable Format

Health plans and provider communities share a need for quality information that promotes culturally competent care in a format that streamlines, simplifies and standardizes the necessary tools and

NICE: Infusing Health Literacy and Cultural Competency into Continuing Education Newsletters

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Geriatric Education Center provides geriatric education to faculty and health care professionals.

Barnes-Jewish Hospital's Approach to Cultural Competency Training

This case study explains Barnes-Jewish Hospital's approach to training it 4,100 team members through the BJH, Center for Diversity and Cultural Competence trainer and liaison program.

Stanford Geriatric Education Center's Training Programs on Diverse Populations

Stanford Geriatric Education Center's geriatric training programs for health professionals are offered in many formats and with many different emphases for different audiences.

Texting to Promote Healthy Outcomes Among Minority Youth and Young Adults

The Illinois Department of Public Health, Center for Minority Services is using mobile messaging to educate teens and young adults about HIV and AIDS, and assist community-based partners/organizati

Interpersonal Care, Language Concordance and Health Outcomes among Rural Latinos with Diabetes

This study of Spanish-speaking rural Latinos with diabetes finds that Spanish fluency is independently associated with better patient interpersonal care ratings.

Access to Interpreting Services for Deaf/Hard-of-Hearing Medicaid Managed Care Members

L.A. Care Health Plans developed an innovative video designed to inform deaf and hard-of-hearing members about their right to free professional American Sign Language interpreting services.