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57826 Results Found

AHA, AHIP OpEd: When Your Medication Costs More Than Your Mortgage

“Prescription drug prices are out of control,” wrote AHA President and CEO Rick Pollack and America’s Health Insurance Plans President and CEO Marilyn Tavenner in a Dec. 31 OpEd in The Hill.

Statement on Tax Cuts and Job Acts of 2017

Press Release Statement on Tax Cuts and Job Acts of 2017   Rick Pollack

A closer look at U.S. health care infrastructure

Examination of the state of health care facilities reveals challenges and opportunities

Reliability of metrics influences benchmarking

Two key metrics must be used consistently for effective investment planning

How did the U.S. health facilities portfolio emerge?

8 major factors have affected, and continue to affect, the development of health care infrastructure

Cancer center builds a bridge to healing

Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center reinforces healthy living with calming design

HIPAA - Transactions

CMS Program Transmittals:

HIPAA - HIPAA Privacy Standards: An Executive Briefing

Resources Resources