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57829 Results Found


Evidence-Based Practice: Falls Prevention Program that Continues to Work

Successful implementation of an evidence-based fall prevention protocol demonstrated a 50 percent reduction in falls without rebound.

Building a Culture of Health

Developing and sustaining hospital-community partnerships to address community health needs are crucial for building a Culture of Health.

Achieving the Promise of Public Reporting: Finding the Best Maternity and Nursing Home Care

As consumers increasingly rely on information and reviews from a variety of sources to access all aspects of health care, its never been mo

New Breastfeeding Program

The University of Vermont Health Network &ndash

Hospital Benefiting from Farm-to-Table Initiative

Carthage Area Hospital i

Improving Patient Care

The Lung Partners Primary Respiratory Care at the

Mobilizing the Workforce to Reduce Readmissions

“Every staff member counts” and “every patient counts.” With this mantra, AllianceHealth Pryor in Pryor Creek, Okla., has reduced readmissions and improved

Engaging Health Care Users

From flexible visiting hours to family-centered rounds, hospitals are encouraging patients and families to become involved in their care.

CMS announces advanced APM bundled payment model

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services will accept applications through March 12 for a new voluntary bundled payment model that will qualify as an advanced alternative payment model under